Strange Days

The Hizb Allah leadership must be rubbing their hands with glee. Like well schooled stooges the Israelis have been suckered in to waging war on Lebanon, egged on by the useful idiots in the US administration and their apologists around the world. Effectively this means that Hizb Allah has already won:
1 They have got Israel to do their dirty work for them by snuffing out the development of the greatest threat to their long term existence, the hospitable, fun-loving, entrepreneurial Lebanon that was emerging after decades of invasion, bloodshed and civil war.
2 In the eyes of those whose hearts and minds must be won if the death cults like Hizb Allah are to wither away, the killing of babies, children and civilians in Lebanon will be seen as justification for the war crimes of indiscriminately bombarding civilians in Israeli cities and thus a legitimate form of resistance.
3 As we have already seen, as the Israelis carry out their ground war in Southern Lebanon they will sustain losses, which will be perceived as losses in Israel, whereas every Hizb Allah fighter who dies becomes another glorious martyr and another reason for others to take up their cause.
4 Whatever the final outcome of this phase, members of Hizb Allah will be able to fade away into the background with their arms intact and will be able to demonstrate from time to time that the primary aim and justification for this war, disarming Hizb Allah has failed. Thus increasing their prestige and influence.
Strange days indeed, when the death cult leaders seem smarter than our own.